Thursday, August 7, 2014

Onions Look Very Promising For 2014

I had taken a good look at my onions and since many of the stems had fallen over it was a sign that they were ready to be taken out of the totes and put onto the dinner table.  Although I do not use this many onions in one day I do very much enjoy the flavor of fresh organic onions.

As you may have remembered that I used totes to plant my onion bulbs instead of in the ground.  In the end it makes harvesting these bulbs so much easier and there is no digging around trying to make sure if you got them all.  Since I only plant a certain amount of onions in each tote it is incredibly easy to know if you removed all the onions.

Now you know why I use these totes and how simple it is to grow onions when you use these items.  Pulling them out was very easy and as I watch the size of each onion I wanted to remove all of them, but time was against me and I was only able to do just one.  This was a good test to see if they were ready and discovered that it was time to get them out of the soil.

Here is what they looked like and the relative size that they achieved this season.

This is all the onions I was able to pick today.  17 in total that were able to be saved while three of them had been eaten by maggots or rotted away.

Check out the other fruits and vegetables that I was able to harvest today.

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